Enroll Course To register please fill in the form below. All fields marked with * are required. Course* --- select the course --- Activités physiques et sportives de nature à l’école (en français) Cultural Diversity, Multiculturalism and Sports Georeferenced Paths Data Collection, Analysis and Google Earth Visualization Combat failure in Education and Improving ICT Skills using Web 2.0 tools Lab senses: A Sensory Approach to a Meaningful Learning in Mathematics and Science Reach the 21st Century Key Competences with eTwinning School & Family: a constructive relationship that contributes to the prevention of school dropout School Leadership and Conflict Management: optimism, self-efficacy, resilience and proactivity Towards the Inclusive Classroom: Special Needs Children Visual programming and robotics with tangible devices Dates* --- select the date --- 22.07.2018 to 28.07.2018 21.07.2019 to 27.07.2019 Institution\\\'s Data Type of Institution Primary School Secondary School Vocational School Adult Education Centre Other Name of Institution* PIC Number* E-mail (Institution)* Town* Country* Phone (Institution)* Address (Institution)* Contact person for your institution\\\'s Erasmus+ project Surname(s)/Family name(s)* First name* Gender F M Mobile Phone* E-mail* Address* Contact's Position* Teacher Headteacher Coordinator of the Project Subject* How many participants from your institution will attend the course?* Submit