- Active citizenship, European dimension
- Combating failure in education, reducing early school leaving
- Intercultural education, migration
- Specific target groups: migrants, Roma, other minorities
Key competences
- Cultural expression
- Foreign language
- Social and civic
The main goal of this course is to prepare participants with knowledge and skills for creating a multi-cultural environment in their classes/schools/organizations. Participants will learn how to understand different cultures and how to change stereotypes. The course will emphasize the role of teachers and their institutions in encouraging multi-cultural educational environments, especially through physical education classes and everything related with sport activities and games. If the participants come from countries with successful models of intercultural approach and immigrant integration, opportunity will be given to the exchange of good practices. Other goals are:
– Getting familiar with key terminology regarding Cultural Diversity and Multiculturalism;
– Having active engagement with class-management in an inclusive context;
– Getting familiar with peer teaching and collaborative learning methods;
– Iimproving the communicative competence in English;
– Having used ICT to design a video;
– Having increased motivation and satisfaction in daily work;
– Having improved the understanding of other European cultures and sports;
– Having developed a sense of European citizenship and identity through participation in a community of European teachers and trainers;
– Sharing experiences and best practices.
- Recognizing cultural preconceptions, types of barriers, stereotypes, increase synergies between education;
- Increasing techniques for working with heterogeneous and mixed ability classrooms, dealing with increased diversity of learners, supporting inclusion of various minorities into mainstream education;
- Being able to teach our children how to be open-minded, tolerant and how to accept diversity;
- Learning to motivate, guide and effectively assess students from different socio-cultural and linguistic backgrounds, knowing the tools/mechanism to differentiate instructions and classroom tasks;
- Promoting universal access to education with regards to non-discriminatory, democratic values, supporting open learning environment by using sport games and creative games;
- Meet ing peers of different nationalities within the EU, Enhancing intercultural awareness, experiences and cross cultural practices in dealing with new students in schools;
- Researching and applying innovative interventional activities/ sport games/ collaborative games and pedagogies that are responsive for social-economic and cultural diversity needs;
- Developing strategies and systems dealing with multicultural issues, cultivating mutual respect and implanting common educational and training values;
- Getting practical ideas for cooperative work in classroom;
- Encouraging the sharing of best practices, ideas and materials between peers within the EU;
- Improving teaching skills and refreshing the teaching style;
- Improving communication skills and foreign language competencies, increasing professional vocabulary and promoting EU’s broad linguistic diversity.